So, I’m thirty this year.
I’m fine with that.
>This is my mantra<
No honestly, I’m fine with thirty. I’ve got my lovely children, so no biological clock issues for me. I’m not desperately seeking a relationship because I’m quite looking forward to some time on my own. I’m happy in my professional life; so thirty doesn’t seem so daunting.
In fact, this feels like my year. I am really excited about what opportunities are out there for me.
With that in mind, I wrote a list a few weeks ago of 12 things to do in 2012, as I’m out of time to do 30 things before I turn 30. So I thought I’d share it with you, and I’m going to be one of those boring people who blogs about what they experience as they try these 12 things blah blah etc etc.
12 things in 2012
1. Get a new tattoo (I actually knew this would be an easy one, as I’d already booked the appointment when I wrote the list. But it’s so nice to start writing a list and ticking something off straight away!)
2. Go kayaking
3. Pitch a freelance article, and actually get it published.
4. Sing on a stage
5. Find a hobby (At the moment I’m contemplating rock climbing).
6. Visit a country I’ve never been to before.
7. Drink more (juice or water, not alcohol or tea. At the moment I average two cups of tea and one coffee a day. Not enough!)
8. Walk from Bishopstoke to
9. Read a classic novel.
10. Lose three stone.
11. See a Shakespeare play (actually on the stage. Movies don’t count!)
12. Take the kids to the
Great list, looking forward to hearing how it pans out :)